The moustache maketh the man. Since the early days moustaches' have helped shape and define a mans personality. They can make you look stylish, manly, elegant, presentable. But it is important you wear the right moustache for the right reason! Riverton Chevy is sporting a moustache for the month of November not to add to its overall look or personality (granted it can't hurt) but to raise an awareness and funds to support prostate cancer and testicular cancer initiatives.
Starting November 1st we will be known as the Riverton Mo Bros. Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through our actions and words we can raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health. Please visit our official MOVEMBER page.
Riverton supported and raised funds for the fight against Breast Cancer during the Month of October and recently came across the Movember challenge! We gladly accept the challenge head on.
The quality of health starts with you! Regardless of age, keep your health in check by doing the following:
- Have an annual screening
- Know you family history
- Don't smoke
- Be physically active
- Keep your schedule regular
- Sleep well
- Know your body
- Eat a healthy diet
- Stay at a healthy weight
- Manage your stress
- Drink alcohol only in moderation.
What are your best tips for keeping your health in check?
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